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Portal 2 SSTV Commentary Node

Posted on: April 19th, 2011 by Newbs Staff

SPIES!!!!! sent these along, these are decodes of the sstv commentary node…

-Single analogue phone line in a designer’s kitchen(phone systems in Valve office too modern)
-Old PC running Linux attached to a 2400 bps modem from 1987 (via USB to serial adaptor)
-mgetty to handle calls, custom PHP script looping through plot fragments and home-made ANSI-art converions of Portal 2 artwork
-Transmitted about 20MB of data in total
-Phone line constantly engaged!
-Several spare modems in case one died – none did
-SSH backdoor for updates and monitoring (possible to watch exactly what people were seeing as they dialed in)
-Combined might of internets is terrifying

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