The Curse Of The Golden Wrench – Team Fortress 2
Posted on: July 7th, 2010 by Bionic DingoThis week valve has been giving out ‘Golden Wrenches’ willy wonka style to lucky tf2 crafters. They have been allowing us normal folk follow along on The Engineer Wrenchlog. Early this morning (2 or 3 am eastern) Drunken F00l managed to find himself a golden wrench. Good for him. He’s done a lot with his backpack viewer ( and previously brought us the idler client thing whcih caused quite the fuss a few months back. The steam powered forum people seem to think there is some sort of grand conspiracy going on since he’s a known guy, so they’ve been calling for his wrench to be removed. A short while ago their cries for ‘justice’ were answered and his golden wrench was stripped from him, and it appears he was vac banned :(
I don’t have a god in this fight, but I thought drunken contributed far more than he took away from the greater community. I’m sure the whine from the forum people hurt everyones ears up at valve, but I think a VAC ban might be a bit much. If you feel one way or the other feel free to post below, I’m also going to link to the ‘unban fool’ community group.
July 10th, 2010 at 11:57 pm
wat. Why’s this come up as posted by me?
July 11th, 2010 at 6:01 am
lol. Who was it then?
July 20th, 2010 at 1:30 pm
Hell if I know.