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Posts Tagged ‘forums’

Newbs Forum Registration Relaxed / L4D Category Added

Posted on: December 5th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

Trying to catch up on some things that happened in the past that I never made blog posts about. The big news is that I have relaxed the registration requirements so that its no longer necessary to provide your STEAM_ID when you sign up. There were players on the servers that were having a hard time registering in the past, so this should fix that problem. There was a brief unfortunate side effect of having some spam posted, but I’ve made further adjustments to thwart the automated registrations. So come on, join in the fun and get to posting. Although not the largest TF2/L4D forum around we do have a great bunch of players and participants, so check it out.

We also added a category for L4D discussion, we got some videos, and some quotes, and some wild stories. Good stuff.

Oh, also we were gifted a Ventrillo server by [MLW] Shady Munky, the information for it is posted on the forums but it requires you to register. So, thats a nice added bonus of happy times. =)


Posted on: October 11th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

We’re seeing big changes with the Newbs servers as of late, here’s the scoop..

Headshot + Grey Devils Server: Incentives are being offered for those who help to make this new server stronger. A rotation server that has a few tweaks for your slaughtering pleasure.. Crab battle sound effects during melee, Crits are off, FF at the end of the round WITH crits, Sudden death melee rounds, rock the vote.. Couple of tricks with the Newbs stamp of approval : ) check it out.

Donations/Engineer Corps: I’m sure some of you have noticed some changes with the forums. Those who create content, and donate to keep our servers running strong are recognized on the forums and on the HLXStats. There’s a lot of developments in this area, so stay tuned.

Honorz on the forums: Honorz awarded to players who exhibit extreme abilities are now visible under your avatar on the forums. Thanks to octo’s pro coding skills.. Expect a lot more honorz to come.

and that’s what’s up.
