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And the other shoe drops

Posted on: October 18th, 2008 by Newbs Staff

Its the day we have all been waiting for, the last 2 newbs servers have changed ips!  wooo! Yay, go team..  Hmm, yeah I know, its hard to get excited about having to change favorites (again).  As I think I mentioned before, I wasn’t real excited about having to move things, since it takes time, energy, and a lot of annoying the users with notices, reminders, handwritten letters, phone calls during dinner – all to remind them that they should go to the new addresses rather than the old addresses.   Some people thankfully look up the newbs servers in the server list, which means they have no problem moving.   Others (like me) just look at their history.  These people take time to get back, so if the server seems like its empty for longer, or filling up slower than it was a couple days ago, thats probably why. 

I’ve noticed that theres a few of you that have been doing a real nice job trying to get the servers populated, sometimes sitting there mostly alone for 30+ minutes.  It makes me sooooo happy everytime I see it.  I’m going to name names, but I gotta go back over my list so I can try not to leave anyone out, so maybe i’ll list em out next blog post.


And the new addresses are: Newbs TF2 #5 (24/7 2Fort) [Koans Kingdom] Newbs TF2 #6 (Custom Rotation) [Koans Kingdom]


One Response to “And the other shoe drops”

  1. leetagger Says:

    go octo. WEWT! nice job getting this all squared away for us, cool beans.

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